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Unravelling Historical Patterns for Future Resilience –
Shaping the Landscape of Risk Awareness

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Empowering Practitioners
with Scalable Solutions for Complex Challenges

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Stress Tests in Focus: AGILE Enhances Understanding
of HILP Events Through Real-world Case Studies

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Forging Resilience, Shaping Tomorrow –
From Assessment to Action, a Roadmap for High-Impact Preparedness

Our set objectives

AGILE - Objective 1

Objective 1

Conceptualize (WP1) and empirically analyze (WP2) HILP events and build a broad, multi-disciplinary knowledge base for their implementation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

AGILE - Objective 1
AGILE - Objective 2

Objective 2

Co-develop a novel and scalable methodology for tiered risk and resilience stress tests (STs) with DRM practitioners and other key stakeholders (WP3)

AGILE - Objective 3

Objective 3

Enable European and international DRM practitioners to identify common points of failures in typical HILP risk patterns through the co-development, implementation and evaluation of tiered risk and resilience STs (WP4)

AGILE - Objective 3
AGILE - Objective 4

Objective 4 

Improve the societal resilience towards HILP risks through novel and evidence-based planning, capacity building and communication approaches (WP5)

Impact / expected results

Scientific and Technological Impact

  • The AGILE project seeks scientific impacts through refined taxonomy and the development of a knowledge platform for HILP events.
  • Results will include a sharpened taxonomy, in-depth analysis of HILP events, and the establishment/enhancement of a knowledge platform, such as the European Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network.
  • The project introduces a scalable stress test method for qualitative and quantitative analyses of socio-technical systems, offering cost-effective scalability and potential for simulations.
  • The approach aims to provide policy recommendations based on comprehensive analyses.
Scientific and Technological Impact

Societal Impact

  • AGILE targets societal impact by delivering practical benefits and addressing EU policy priorities and global challenges.
  • Leveraging its unique position as a practitioner-led consortium with a global network, AGILE aims to ensure the uptake of research and innovation results within practitioner organizations and policy-making bodies.
  • Societal impact will be achieved through the development, implementation, and evaluation of replicable risk and resilience stress tests (STs) for different governance levels and infrastructure, including critical infrastructure.
  • The focus on co-design within the consortium ensures the practical applicability of the tiered ST methodology.
  • AGILE’s unique position in the UCPM framework and global networks is expected to boost the uptake of guidelines for stress testing trainings and exercises.
Societal Impact

Scale and Significance of the Impact

  • AGILE aims to develop and apply a novel methodological risk and resilience stress testing framework in 9 dedicated case studies in various geographic settings and sectors.
  • Case studies are selected not only for their geographical diversity but also for their potential transferability and replicability of results across different countries and scales.
  • The project seeks to expose over 250 individuals from 30+ countries to its results, fostering global collaboration and knowledge transfer.
  • AGILE’s results are relevant for all states and organizations worldwide, providing a novel methodological framework and reference library to support the development of more adequate and efficient policies.
  • Stakeholder engagement through the CMINE platform is promoted for participatory and bottom-up approaches, ensuring inclusivity beyond core activities.
Scale and Significance of the Impact